Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Autumn Beauty :: 2

breakfast in a patch of warmth
sun coming up over mountains

Monday, May 30, 2011

Autumn Beauty :: 1

seeking beauty this week
as these first months of pregnancy yukkiness and challenges around the farm have got me down.
I love this time of year and as this is our first Autumn on the farm I'm opening my eyes and heart a little wider to see the beauty that sometimes passes by without me noticing.
The colors, comforting food, blazing fires, fresh crisp days...beauty to see and enjoy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

not ballet!

This little one has been asking to do 'Ballet' for  months and while I searched for somewhere not too serious she kept asking and reminding me. So when my Pilate's instructor (I've been twice so far) said she was starting  ballet lessons for her daughter and a few others, would Bella like to join in I thought it would be the perfect. I didn't realise it was going to real ballet and the teaching of positions..can you see how much she is concentrating? When she wasn't trying her best she was making faces at me that looked a little like 'rescue me! After  it was all done she announced that she would not be doing ballet, 'maybe when I'm 5' she says. Oh well, another outfit added to the dress-up basket. And how cute does she look especially with the texta that she decorated her face with an hour beforehand!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

wish list

love this farmhouse kitchen sink

a wall of books with a cozy chair nearby..what could be better?
Family Rules Bus Roll Poster - Red 
This is going on the Christmas List
Oh, what a dream, my own gardening room, no-one would see me for days.

Have a great weekend with moments of laughing, eating good food with those you love and plenty of cuddles with the little ones ( and the big ones).

Friday, May 20, 2011

the house feels empty

Some days my heart hurts so much. It's usually the days when I've managed to have no errands in town or no appointments at the school and I'm sitting in this big empty house. It's not really empty, there's Missy and Tommy, BJ, the chicks and the ducks ouside. It just feels empty. Its so quiet. I can hear strange creaks from the walls as if the house is talking. I hear the washing machine spinning the clothes to their death. A tap drips. I miss them.
I look up and see them in the frame and I wonder why, oh, why did I send them to school?!
This place begs for activity and creative pursuits, crazy running around and read alouds in front of the fire. Now that they are at school I feel I don't have time for any of that. I'm barely managing to make sure they have a clean uniform. Problems are cropping up that we never had to face when they were at home. So much is out of my control. The child who is so much more swayed that I realized, the other one who is so tired they aren't there usual easy going self, and the eagerness for the little one, only four, to be like the big kids.
It certainly  not all bad, there is so much goodness abounding for them. I just have these days sometimes. I miss them.

Monday, May 16, 2011


These ducks have grown so fast and they are full of squeeky cuteness. While big sister gave their home a clean, the ducks got to come inside and have cuddles, to the delight of the other children.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a new skirt for Bella

I don't do much sewing but when I do I love the way children are so proud to have a 'Mama sewed all by herself' item. It draws me back to want to make things and try harder to carve out the time for Makin Mama time.