Monday, August 2, 2010


A great way to start the week!

~ Bella sleeping in her own bed for most of the night
~ getting a shower all by myself, with no little interruptions
~ morning cuddles with two strong, growing taller everyday boys
~ the secret goings-on of Matthews planning
~ shaggy-dog cuteness and his boy who loves him
~ morning coffee in bed with Bella still asleep
~ getting back to my Bible reading plan
~ children's faces as they proudly show me their creative thing
~ drawing from eldest girl saying 'its of the most beautiful girl in the! '
~ conversations with eldest boy which plumb the depths of his heart
~ a small visitor in our backyard with a song I haven't heard before

I'm writing it down, to notice and remember.
To lock it into to the thick walls of my mind- there is so much to be thankful for.
And even in the murky waters of life the light penetrates.
Everyday is a day full of grace if I would but step into it, let go and release myself to the work that is taking place inside this life.


Jen said...

OH MY GOODNESS your photography, Skye! Your poetic words, your heart of thanks and appreciation, your noticing of the small things. Dear God, what a gift your blog is to the cyber world. I love it here.

My gratitude? Your blog, your heart...

Anonymous said...

Skye, just caught up on your blog after quite a are doing such a wonderful thing here, recording these (fleeting!) days with your young ones. You are making a TREASURY of beauty. Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement.
Love Always,K.