Tuesday, February 26, 2008

following the schedule

 So you spend weeks preparing the best lessons you can think of. Taking each child into consideration  the learning styles, interests & also my own ideas of what I want them to achieve. Feeling satisfied that I've covered all the bases we set off ...& life hits you.
The babies sleeping schedule ( or no- sleeping schedule) , children's off days , mummy's off days, constant interruptions & the list goes on. I'm thinking natural learning, that might be  a plan.

And then I'm reminded that  the schedule is there to serve me not to master me. There is a lot of natural learning in between; that's family life .That's a beautiful thing about home education.At the end of the day the family is the most important thing ,the people ,the relationships that bind us all together.
We'll see how we go  with the schedule next week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mumma, I love you.

Not much sleep happening around here for this Mumma & the tiredness is showing.Everyone is feeling it but my 4yob helps lift my gaze from my own inadequacies to the sweet innocence & simple needs that fill our home.At just the right moment when my voice rings out a little to harshly he sidles up beside me -mumma - yes sweetie - I love you. I raise my weary head from my hands & look into his loving face-I love you too.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a moment in our day

(after a challenging morning where I couldn't seem to have everyone happy to be apart of the plan at any one time I decided to gather them all together to read)

6yog-rolls eyes do we have to? I was just about to play with my set up

4yob- stands up & walks to bedroom


Monday, February 4, 2008

sydney beautiful sydney

how can you not love this city!