Monday, November 28, 2011

sleepless nights, anxious thoughts

Another Sleepless Night
I'm turning in my bed
long before the red sun rises.
In these early hours
I'm falling again
into the river of my worries.

When the river runs away
I find a Shelter in Your Name:
JESUS...only Light on the shore,
Only Hope in the Storm.
Jesus, let me fly to Your Side
There I would hide, JESUS.

Hear my anxious Prayer
The beating of my Heart
The pulse and the measure of my unbelief
Speak Your Words to me
before I come apart
Help me BELIEVE in what I cannot see
Before the river runs away
I will call upon Your Name:
JESUS...only Light on the shore
Only Hope in the Storm
Jesus, let me fly to Your Side
There I would hide, Jesus.

song by Fernando Ortega


Anonymous said...

Oh Skye, I've just caught up with your photos - what moments you have captured! How are you ?? .... moment by moment, step by step - it would be so intense and yet so overwhelmingly beautiful and then doubly so. I hope you are managing to close your eyes to the washing piles, the dishes piles etc. Warm wishes ....... Anna
PS - I love the poem you posted, I am going to print it out for myself!

Skye said...

Hi Anna! yes. moment by moment, day by day. i am trying to close my eyes to the messes building, the lists not checked off..trying.i hope you have found your rythym, how old is your little one now? Much warm love at this special time of year for you and your specials.xx S

earthkissed said...

That's a fantastic poem. I hope things are getting easier!