Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ten good things

1~ swallows against a grey backdrop

2 ~ a visitor drops in

3 ~ unusual snacks (for me) to help the incessant morning sickness

4 ~ firewood delivered to meet the demands of friends camping over Easter

5 ~ her love and spirit matches that of her horse (actually the horse is far tamer than her)

6 ~ the pure joy from 'belly flopping' in the mud

7 ~ a daddy who sets up the coolest slip n slide ever
friends visiting
children Easter hunting

10 ~ learning a new skill


milkandhoney said...

Great photos. The boys sure had fun in the mud. Thanks so much for having us over easter. We all had a really good time. Hope you are feeling better soon. xx

Anonymous said...

Love the photos Skye - what fun your kids are having! Congrats too - although you probably don't feel very congratulatory right now, hope it passes soon. I too am expecting number 5 (a little overwhelming at times I must say) ........... Anna

Skye said...

Mel- It was such a good time. Can't wait for next year.
Anna- Congrats!! Yes i'm not at all in the happy-to-be-preg phase, it really has been quite hard. Strange question- are you 'anna harper'anna or another anna?
x S

Kerrie said...

Hi Skye, just stopped by to peak into your days. Love all your photos. Grace and peace and rest to you dear xx

lindsay said...

superb photography Skye. superb framing.they (photos) just draw me into the life, the heart from you. Love you so much. love you all so much. miss you and the pulse of lippenwood. x xx xx xxxx xxxxxxx

Kirsten said...

Skye your photos are beautiful, you have capture the children and animals in such an extraordinary way, makes me miss you all so much!!!

Jen said...

Sweet Skye, thank you for sharing your gratitude moments with us. Your photos are, as everyone has said, so well done. You have such an eye for beauty, for life, for the big and small things that make the texture of your days. Keep sharing my love... It is an inspiring gift to us- your current readers, your children, and your future self. Love you. Xoxo

Melissa Guyatt said...

Sending love to limpinwood. Praying that in your days you always see beauty that steals your heart, just like you do here xxx m

Anonymous said...

Hi Skye,

A bit late in my reply (sorry) but no, I'm not Anna Harper - just another Anna on Central Coast, NSW! Hope you're keeping well. Love the skirt, and Bella's modelling! Anna