Saturday, January 31, 2009

days of summer ~ 12

parents take the kids on a surprise outing -

at the end of our day at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary (which we bought a yearly pass), 9yob exclaimed 'that was the best day of my life!'
Seeing my childrens faces as they touch and observe, exclaiming this feature or that colour , running and yelling with such enthusiasm was a delight to these Mumma eyes. Oh, that I would keep a wonder and awe in the beauty and brilliance of His incredible design.


Anonymous said...

What beautifully descriptive photos!

Skye said...

Thankyou HSM4C! WE had such a great day and took so many photos.seeing such awe on the childrens faces was the best part.Looking forward to going back.

earthkissed said...

ooohh. Can I come next time????