Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ikea drawers

Little bits and bobs,treasures collected from everywhere..where o where does it all go.
Well we bought these ikea drawers for all those little 'special things' that are collected over time and to personalize them a little I covered them with drawings & favourite pictures.


Anonymous said...

That looks so cool!! You are the cleverest thing! Thankyou so much to you and Jasi for Viv's box of lovelies! she was so excited I can't beign to tell you! Let's catch up soon - how about morning tea next week? Maybe Wednesday? I;ll call you - we never did do that movie! You are awesome!

milkandhoney said...

These look great...

Anonymous said...

I love these Skye! You are so creative. They are the luckiest children in the world to have you for a makin mama.

Anonymous said...

this is fantastic!!! :^D)

Skye said...

Thankyou lovelies!! And thanks for visiting my blog.