Monday, February 14, 2011

a link

 A post from the Parenting Passageway that I want to reread and remind myself of so I thought I would share it here in my reminding space... especially at the moment as an unnamed someone travels through some ups and downs of growing into themselves.  

And some unrelated images just because.


When Your Children Are At Their Worst….

You need to be at your best.
You need to set the tone.  Quietly.
You need to calm down.
You need to use your hands gently to help.
You need to approach your child in a true manner that shows you actually want to help them.
You need to be able to pass this duty to someone else in your family if you cannot do it right this minute.  This does not mean you have failed, it means you are human.
You need to still be able to love your child, even if you don’t like them this minute.
You need to know this too shall pass.
You need to know life is full of these moments.
You need to know there is no perfect peaceful house.
You need to know that your child is not doing this on purpose.
You need to know your child loves you and wants to connect with you more than anything.
 You need to know you are doing your best.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Skye, just what I needed to read/hear after a particularly challenging day with one strong willed six year old! It is a fine balancing act to remain calm yet strong, without falling into emotional reactions. I love your photos - they often say so much more than words. Anna

Skye said...

Hi Anna, thankyou SO for your kind words!!! Oh the strong- willed six... I'm dealing with the s-w nine and three...being calm yet strong is a constant challenge yes and sometimes when I'm so tired I just try to be calm, let go my agenda and just be with them but oh it can be hard.
Warmth and peace to you and your gorgous six yr old.x