Friday, September 12, 2008

illustration friday

5yo boy- 'Palm tree' - pencil and watercolor while at Botanic Gardens


Anonymous said...

ive done something here to have you a few cents!

Anonymous said...

Interesting blogging! You are talented!

Anonymous said...

very awsome.

King Sidharth said...

Passionate mum! I appriciate it. Cute baby you have... Keep up the good work.. I see a Picaso rising
Love n' Peace
King Sidharth
Hope u wud read my blog:

Kerrie said...

Excellent picture, Sebastian is admiring it too! Aren't you popular too!

milkandhoney said...

Wow... you do have a following of your blog...
Great pic.

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so lucky.
Don't ever forgett - they are so
Your armish friend who is always close in heart.