Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

letting it go

let it go 

Thinking I had escaped this dreaded flu was a little premature, it was just to hit me last. And after a few bad days, I am up and about. I was thinking as I am going about my daily routine how weary and behind I feel and how hang-on what makes me think I can jump back on to normal life so soon. How about slowing to fully recover? My mind has cleared quicker than my body has and expects me to not only get on with normal but catch-up on everything that didn't get done whilst i was laid up. After feeling overwhelmed last night I let myself of the hook and happened to read this post this morning, and decided to let-it-go.
Go slowly and be gentle with this body of mine.
Things will gradually pick up into that familiar rhythm but for now the kids may have to rummage through washing baskets to find their clean clothes.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

endless gifts

home because of sickness the oldest and youngest (obviously excluding the twins here) enjoy the sun and some rare quality time together

these two babies- unplanned but so part of his plan
crunchy leaves

the sun setting her alight with glowing glory

candles make everything more lovely even feeding hour at the zoo

friends who make great coffee

her drawings: LOVE< LOVE

the boy with the guitar

moments in the sun when they all are busy with their own important thing

her important thing is squeezing love into her baby sister. there is so much love.

Monday, August 13, 2012

monday inspiration

In order to construct our life’s container we all need some help from “the perennial tradition” that has held up over time. We cannot each start at zero, entirely on our own. Life is far too short, and there are plenty of mistakes we do not need to make—and some that we need to make. We are parts of social and family ecosystems that are rightly structured to keep us from falling, but also, more importantly, to show us how to fall and also how to learn from that very falling. 

We are not helping our children by always preventing them from what might be necessary falling, because we learn how to recover from falling by falling! It is precisely by falling off the bike many times that you eventually learn what the balance feels like. Those who have never allowed themselves to fall are actually off balance, while not realizing it at all. That is why they are so hard to live with. Please think about that for a while.

Adapted from Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, p. 28

God’s grace is sufficient for the journey!

Friday, August 10, 2012

babies update

these babies are on the move and they are fast
there is the cutest chatter and lots of funny antics
they are engaging with eachother in laughter and talk
they sit up easily now and wave their little arms about in excitement
they love books, bathtime, the dogs, when we clap or sing to them and the sight of their bottle
they are now eating finger food like frozen berries, fetta, banana
they are our little joy babies

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012


native mulberry tree


every looks better when the grass has been mowed.

soon spring will bring vivid life back to this beauty
we finally got the rest of our fruit trees planted this weekend. well, we as in matt and the kids. in the afternoon i went for a little walk to see all the hard work. as i came back to the house the sky had very quickly changed color and a bitter cold wind swept in. such a wintry scene. so good to get some jobs taken off the to do list.

Friday, August 3, 2012

[a moment to remember]

i discovered this when i uploaded my photos....someone has been playing with mama's camera. a tall and gorgeous young girl playing with her shadow.