Monday, June 29, 2009

on an early monday evening...

While I was cooking dinner Jett was browsing this site and got some inspiration to make his own ship. Which in turn inspired younger brother to make his own thing. And a whole lot of making was going on on a Monday evening.

Of course stories surrounded the creations and so I was well entertained during the nightly routine of dinner and dishes. Couldn't think of a better way to spend my monday evening.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


His name is not wild dog anymore, but the first friend, because he will be our friend for always and always.
Rudyard Kipling

This weekend our Missy will be introduced to a Mister. They will have a day or so to get acquainted...very acquianted.

Hope your weekend has moments of joy and glimpses of grace. I'm having the day all to me, to choose to do what I wish. Yipee!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

on being muddled

Sometimes life seems muddled.
And not just a day but a season of muddledness ( is that even a word?) and it can be kind of grey living in muddled-land.
I feel like I've been there for a while. It can be frustrating place to live as you know you have things you dream of doing and a person you dream of being, ( This is stupid I know but I'm tired and want to remind myself in a years time when I'm hopefully through this that even though the tunnel was dark and long there was a light at the end and we did all get through by his grace and learnt some along the way).

Forgive (self mainly)
One day at a time.
Give thanks.

These words.... my heart whispers out to the muddled mind of now. and I think I'm getting a little bit better at hearing and responding and in those times a little of the grey is replaced by color.
I'm hanging out for it...some more color.
I'm thinking a rainbow is coming my way soon.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


One of the true blessings of keeping our kids at home is the relationships they are forming with each other. Some days it doesn't feel very blessed at all but they are learning. Learning to love and forgive, to tolerate and to let go, to work it out and to walk away, to share and to set boundaries. These are lifelong lessons and when you are so different from one another it can be hard and long ( I'm still learning).
Sometimes I get discouraged by the bickering and then I will hear it...laughter joined by more laughter and some more and I lift my gaze and see them, all getting along, co=operating and enjoying it.
I breathe out and give thanks for this moment.
It is so worth it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

weekend snapshots

'There is no event so common place that God is present within it...
Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is.
In the boredom and pain of it no less than the excitement and gladness:
touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is grace.' Frederick Buechner

Thursday, June 18, 2009


:: this book which perfectly describes my life at the moment

:: the way the outside is trying to make its way in

:: the moments when she sleeps and a (enforced) quiet settles that brings this mama some space to refocus and gather as we enter in to the second half of the day.

:: the differing towers, houses, walls that are being built out of these handmade clay bricks that came back home with us from our NZ holiday. All we need now is a cement recipe ..any ideas?

:: my macbook alive again. Thanks to a determined and savvy husband.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

heart whispers

IMG_8474, originally uploaded by warmlove.

open my eyes to see

capture me

that I may know

take my ashes

and I will drink from the cup you hold in your hands

I want to sit at your feet

and feel your heartbeat

and fall in love with you again

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009