This week has reminded me to let go a little more, to facilitate and guide the creative process and the learning will follow and to enjoy these beautiful little beings in all thier uniqueness. They are inspiring.
Here is a quote that I had underlined from the very first homeschooling book I read eight years ago:
The Successful Homeschooling Family Handbook by Dr Raymomd Moore & Dorothy Moore -
"The best early academics are your responses to your children - giving yourself to them in warm fellowship, conversation, travel; reading and telling stories with moral valus; working at home chores and cottage industries together; teaching them by example how to serve others (in the home and down the street); being alert to their highest motives and interests; and encouraging them to develop their own creative ideas in the sandpile, with kitchen dough, with a telescope, in a diary, and with tools in the garage and garden. The idea that parents should hurry reading, spelling, writing, or math ahead of children's normal development is not supported by a single replicable research study in the world or by any clinical experience in history. We repeat any who push the three Rs early deny the readiness factors the Creator built in - reasonably mature vision, hearing, taste, touch, smell, reason, brain growth, coordination . . . "