Friday, August 31, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Benefits of Homeschooling

Those bleary eyes I talked about a few posts ago are still bleary, actually the world is looking pretty fuzzy through those eyes right now.After 5 nights in hospital & frequent trips to the doctors & a 7yob still not well school has taken a major back seat.It's the beauty of homeschooling that we can prioritise life.Right now rest & recovery are the most important things-reading on the lounge,watching a few too many DVD's,doing whatever I need to do to help my son become well,making sure everyone is on the road to wellness & strength with hearts being filled as well as bodies being stengthened.
So this week we are doing some fun stuff In little spurts.We are making a family treasures book.With pages including where we live,pets,what we enjoy doing,family tree & who knows what else- depends on if we're enjoying it or not.A few crafts like painting rocks, drawing nature& making cards.We are also enjoying reading Snugglepot & Cuddlepie- 4yob's chosen chapter book:The horse and his boy by CS Lewis for 7yob, The little princess for 6yog,as well as lots of picture books .
Nice & easy ,relaxed & fun-thats what I hope for while we are all getting back on our feet.

When I'm eight...

4yo boy after helping mumma cut cheese & feeling very proud of himself:

Mumma can I have my own knife?
When I'm older?
When I'm eight?
Thanks mumma.

Finally we have a photo!!!

It was actually so easy-I'm embarassed it took me so long.This will be so much more fun.Hip hooray .

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bleary Eyes

Once again we have succumbed to sickness and this time it has hit hard.From flu to ear infections to pneumonia to bronchitis our little home has been lived from the comfort of the lounge as we all lay & groan.
For me, my mind has strayed to what is this going to look like when I get my head up,how much will I have to catch up on? Selfish I know.Contrary to how I imagine sick days we have hardly read at all.We have hardly done much of anything the last five days.Ugh.....Thank God for time.Time to heal & time to make changes & be better. His mercies are new every morning.!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pre-school Days

Bible-family reading time
-Beginners bible

Habit Training-Richard Scarry's Please & Thankyou Book
-chore chart
-display family values & constantly review

Maths-days of the week
-practice counting to 20
-pattern blocks
-play shop with canned goods
-own calender to decorate at beginning of the month

Language Arts-leterland poster daily
-letterland book daily
-copying 1 letter a week & tracing name
-labeling objects around house
-tracing letters in tray of rice
-letterland activity books

Nature Study-read various nature books
-nature walks
-collect , observe & draw
-spend a couple hours outside every day

Read Alouds-Beatrix Potter series
-Eric Carle
-Kingfisher Treasury of Read Alouds
-Time Life books
-FIAR books-vol 1

-Alphabet Bingo
-Junior Scrabble
-Puzzle Play

Quite Time Box-choose from during family reading time

Resources-Homespun Curriculum
-TIme Life Boxes
-Various kids craft books

Children this age can be so on the go -well my 4 year old is.I need to make sure I catch him & cuddle him,kiss him ,tickle him & tell him how special he is every day.Not to get too caught up int he to do list.